Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kerala Police – The virus

Kerala police is interested in only two works

1. Immoral traffic cases

2. Vehicle checking

Other cases they are not serious whether they are murder cases or cases against national security.


1) Cases against Madani,

2) Explosive recovered from train etc

IF you are going to kerala and you are married, you need to take marriage certificate while travelling in kerala .Otherwise police will charge you against immoral traffic.

Once I was going to Munnar with my wife and parents .Kerala police came for vehicle checking .I had shown all the valid papers to the inspector, even after that the inspector asked me who is the lady sitting inside the car. I answered that those are my parents and my wife. They were doubtful about that asked me to stand there .I understood their point of view and showed my marriage certificate with photos. The inspector asked the constable to compare the photos in marriage certificate .After the verification they allowed me to travel.

While traveling if anyone asks for any help from Kerala Police, they will roar against you. If you are asking any assistance to Karnataka police or Tamil Nadu police they will guide you in correct way.

Commonsense of Indians are below or not

If you are watching the advertisements coming in Indian media we can realize the fact. In one advertisement Teacher’s dog has died and the student is pretending as a dog to make happy his teacher.

Who gets more importance? -- The student or the dog?

India govt or Indians should react with these kinds of senseless or irritating advertisement.

Compare this advertisement with the Vodaphone ZUZU Advt.